Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekend at Stockholm

I haven't been posting the whole summer. The reason for that is that I just did not have anything to say. Mostly I just slept and worked. It wasn't much of a summer for me, I should say. Luckily I did get some rest when we visited Croatia and Bosnia in the end of August, but more about that trip in another post.

This weekend I went to Stockholm with my parents. It was just a one day trip, but it was still enough to get us on a holiday mood. We walked around the city the whole day, visited gift shops, sat at cute little cafeterias, walked in parks and of course went shopping! It was quite a long day after sleeping only couple of hours the night before, but it was worth it! And the beauty of the city kept us awake.

One good side in Stockholm is that there are lot of people from ex Yugoslavia. In Finland there is not so much of us, and I rarely run into people who speak our language. Actually I never ran into them unless they belong to my family. But in Stockholm we saw lot of people who spoke the same language as we. It was quite funny actually, because we were so not used to hearing other people speak our language that we couldn't help our selves from staring! All I could think was "wow, you are one of us! Did you notice that I am too?" Sounds quite sad actually.

Yesterday we spent the whole day at Ikea and few items ended up in my apartment too. I got few new pillows, a standard lamp, a vase and a new laundry bag (since I am finally getting a washing machine!). I also bought two new picture frames and the new project is to get them filled with something. I already have couple of ideas and I can't wait to get started :).

Ps. I lost the fight against mainstream and  finally joined instagram! You can find me there under a name of eeevij.

- evi

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Saturday, September 14, 2013


Such exciting times we are living now. Our roadtrip ended in the end of August, we came back as rested, tanned and happy. I have to go through all the photos and make some new posts for you too. Soon... As soon as it possible is to do now. I'm in a hurry with my studies, gym, moving back to Kuopio and searching a new apartment for me and my sister Sabina. It is a little challenge to find one that is in a good condition and not going to the plumbing renovation. We are even ready to renovate other rooms for ourselves as we have done earlier, but the bathroom and the kitchen must be done. All we have to do now is to keep on searching and keep our fingers crossed for The One! Soon will we be able (or rather must...? :D) to move, decorate and continue our normal everyday life with no worries :)

Now it's all about new semester at the Uni, gym, jogging outside and stretching, cooking, keeping up our cafe culture from the summer and spending some quality time with my love ones. Of course I work from time to time and study hard too ;) The end of the summer is just so beautiful time of the year! And no autumn is not here for me yet ;)

Hirmuinen hullunmylly menossa täällä. Reissulta rantauduttiin jo elokuun viimeisenä päivänä levänneinä, ruskeina ja iloisina. Täytyy vielä käydä kuvat läpi ja ilostuttaa teitäkin niillä, kunhan saa hetken aikaa! Omaan yksiööni muuton jälkeen Kuopioon on työn alla ollut uuden asunnon etsintä mulle ja pienimmälle siskolle Sabinalle. Homma on hiukan haastava, kun lähes kaikki isot kaksiot/pienet kolmiot on joko pohjaratkaisultaan huonoja ja kerrostalot on menossa vuorotellen nyt keskustassa putkiremonttiin. Sen alle ei haluta, vaan etsitään täydellistä kotia meille taas mielummin vaikka vähän pintaremppaillaan sitä itse, kunhan pohja toimii ja sijainti osuu nappiin. Täytyy nyt vaan pidellä sormia ristissä ja toivoa parasta että Se Oikea tulee vastaan! :) Pian sitten pääseekin (vai joutuuko sittenkin... :D ) muuttopuuhiin, sisustamaan ja jatkamaan omaa arkea huoletta :)

Nyt kuvioissa on vaan yliopiston uusi syksy, sali ja lenkkipuuhat venyttelyineen, kokkailuja, kahvilakulttuurin ylläpitoa kesältä ja rakkaiden kanssa laatuajan viettoa. Toki arkeen (kirjotin äsken loman... tietää mitä yliopisto-opiskelut mulle tuntuu olevan :D) mahtuu sillontällöin myös töitä ja tunnollista opiskelua :) Kyllä loppukesä vaan on kaunista aikaa, ehei mulla ei ole vielä syksy ;)

- Herminica