Monday, November 14, 2011

winter is knocking on the door

Third week is going on and I´m still sick. Not as bad as I used to be, so this virus is weaker and weaker every day. I actually got much better during this past weekend. It was just so nice to see my boo and my friends again :) I just know nothing better than cuddling, long conversations and walks. It´s nice to have someone to who you can just tell everything that pops on your mind. It´s just awesome and I miss every second of it now. Luckily I have plenty things to do so I  have a lots to think about.. :) I can´t go to school without covering my ears because it´s so cold (hey it´s only +3 degrees... and I just keep wondering how in hell do we get used to those -30 degrees....?) I came back from school about an hour ago and I´ll have to go there back soon. After that I have to go to the grocery store to grab something to eat. Now I hvae to go again, next weekend I´m going home to Mikkeli. I´ve missed them so much and I hope that Elvira is going to be there too this time :)!


  1. Ei Elvira tule ens vk :/ Mut sä saat käyttää aikaas mun kemiaan taas jooooko?:) oot söpö <3

  2. Okei, käy mulle ;) <3 ja kyllä evi tulee puhuin tänään sen kanssa :)!

  3. Evo, sad čitam i tebe, a našla sam te preko sestrinog bloga. Sve ste baš divne. :)

    p.s. - odakle je ova torba? baš mi izgleda super!nemoj mi samo reći da je gina tricot jer je nemam nigdje u blizini... grrr.. :)

    pozdrav iz sarajeva!


  4. Hehe, fino cuti :) Hvala na komplimentu! Torba ti je ... draga moja bas iz gina tricot... :D ali mislim da ima svukud naci nalik. :) ako nista u blizini vam je Bershka u Zagrebu! :D tamo ima isto prelijepe robe + u Mango u sarajevu :)!
