Monday, April 23, 2012

paratiisii ja päättömiä bambeja

This is how I look after waking up too early, my lips are swollen and bleeding because I´m always biting my lips at sleep and my hair gets all curly. After woking up I headed to the gym with Alli, we had a really good workout together and after that we went to eat some spinach ravioli. I came home after buying some groceries and then it was time to take a bath. I have even finished my work in biochemisty now. Pheew, I still have to go to the school tomorrow morning to make a little presentation about it. Now I have to study some more before the girls come here to watch Desperate housewifes with me :)
Ps. If somebody needs a rental housing for summer (june-august) from Kuopio, please contact me :)!

1 comment:

  1. Nii mä tiiän mut se on hirvee iso keskisormes :D siis ku tos on vaa yks ei semmoset 2 ... :D se tippuu keskarist :D
