Tuesday, November 27, 2012


1. I just love that combo! Especially as a dinner (minced beef, cottage cheese, onions, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers)... all that plus fruits, 0,5l of clippers organic hot chocolate with Maca, Opti-Msm and Ashtanga from Cocovi. :) I usually just mix them all together, and sometimes even add some spices. 

2. On my way to school... A bad picture in here even if it looked alright on insta? You can see a peek from my new neon yellow knit from members.com :) It was cheap but it looks and feels great!

3. Working, studying and reading my favorite magazines :) I worked 14 hours this weekend. It was not much but I had a evening shift so... There's no time left for anything else then + I couldn´t go to the gym because my m. tibialis anterior (one of the leg muscles) was hurting a lot. Even walking feels bad. :( I have still walked at least 6 km's every day... Downhills are the worst to conquer. 

4. One night on my way home in Mikkeli at night... I collapsed straight to bed. At least I managed to meet two friends really dear to me. Laura and Jenna. It was so nice to meet, catch up after a long time, drink warm lattes and be able to talk about the stuff that is really important to me at the time. :) I had really missed them both and I´m hoping to see them soon again! L had such an amazing jacket... the one you just can´t keep your fingers away from O.O damn. 

5. Tomorrow is time to walk another 6km's, make a presentation in a seminar of medical physics and then... to the BodyPump again! At least I don´t have to do anything with my ankles in there so my muscle soreness won´t be bothering me this time. :)... The rest of the day will go by writing an essay based on an article called "Fetal and Early Childhood Undernutrition, Mortality and Lifelong Health" :) There's a lot to do! 


  1. Jauhelihasalaatti on kyllä hyvää! :) Teillä on kiva blogi, tykkäilen.

    1. Kiitoksia paljon Venla :)! Juu mulla se saattaa vaa välillä mennä jauhelihaks salaatin kanssa... :D

  2. Hahah söin just tänään sattumalta trikuulleen samaa ruokaa ku sä! :p Paitsi tomaatin sijasta söin paprikaa.. Ja mulla on kans toi uusin FIT- lehti, tulipas oikeen terveyspläjäys :-D

    1. Ollaan varmaan yhteensattuma-kaimat ! :-D! Sano vielä että oot just tullu suihkusta ja juot teetä... :D

  3. ihanan inspiroiva blogi, pitää kyllä jäädä seurailemaan :)

    1. Kiva kuulla että on! :) EIköhä se vielä tästä parane ku mäkin saan ittelleni nyt hommattua kameran!

  4. Ahh teen yleensä myös tuollaisen ruokakombon. Hyvä karppaus ruoka :D

    1. :D Varmasti! Meikä vaan ei karppaa, heitän ton kylkeen kyllä sitte aika paljon hiilareita hedelmien, marjojen, kauran ja rukiin niin ja vihannesten muodossa :D
