A beautiful view from our apartment. Those warm, colourful sunsets were just amazing! It was so nice to have a evening meal on our balcony and feel the spirit.

E's new ballerina shoes from New Yorker
One hungry morning...
We decided to spend a few days at this place, it´s maybe a 10 minutes from us and it was really refreshing! Every pool had it's own signature feature, one of them was like an ocean with the big waves and sand-look a like look, second was a a big massage pool, one had waterfalls and slides and the last one had a stream in it :) The place had even a inner water world but we were rather out on those +37 warm and sunny days! It was so much fun :) We even had dinners there. :)
Girls in a shopping mall :)
Douple E's in front of the big cathedral.
Time to have some rest with Egyptian ice cream! It's just too good!
Maybe the most hottest day ever... We decided to take off the shoes and put our legs in that refreshing fountain! :D
At the old town bazar during the siesta.
Checking out those little mirrors! They were just too cute :)!
If I´d had a garden... this would be definitely mine!
One of my favourite photos! -H
Damn I want that tan back! H
Our breakfast place at the shopping mall next to our apartment! We were waiting for the food... And good food it was...!

An awkward moment when a random little girl hugs you and says "moooom!"
At a local mini bar, drinking Summersby's
One of the best evenings! :D Hot chocolate pudding, fresh spring water and latte on the top of Sarajevo!
And again, one beautiful sunset
I´m so going to buy that Bambi next year!
Time to have a banana split at Vatra!
Our little neighbor! Such a cute little dog!
Somethings obligatory... Steeling someone's internet the whole month! Our dad had bought us a internet but he said that we shouldn't use it in case of some emergency... Well the second last day we used it the whole time and we didn't even manage to use 1% of it's value... AND GUESS WHAT... the last day when we really needed it to do the check in for our flight IT HAD BEEN EXPIRED... Thanks dad for buying it too early... :D It was like throwing 30 euros through the window.
I have a bunch of photos about Elvira on the sofa - sleeping. It looks like she was sleeping the whole time? :D -H
The last day! Say bye bye!
Orange time! :) This really saved the day :)!
Time to have a banana split at Vatra!
Our little neighbor! Such a cute little dog!
Somethings obligatory... Steeling someone's internet the whole month! Our dad had bought us a internet but he said that we shouldn't use it in case of some emergency... Well the second last day we used it the whole time and we didn't even manage to use 1% of it's value... AND GUESS WHAT... the last day when we really needed it to do the check in for our flight IT HAD BEEN EXPIRED... Thanks dad for buying it too early... :D It was like throwing 30 euros through the window.
I have a bunch of photos about Elvira on the sofa - sleeping. It looks like she was sleeping the whole time? :D -H
The last day! Say bye bye!
Our last week in Sarajevo, Evelina's first and last. It was an amazing holiday! We have already made two posts about Sarajevo this year. You can see the posts by clicking THIS ans THIS.
The last days in Sarajevo were perfect. We went on a brunch every morning to a shopping mall located near us, did a shopping trip few times and spent complete three days at a water park and Eve managed to get some tan too! The days were just so relaxing, because we decided not to plan anything beforehand and just did what we felt like doing at the moment. It would be so nice if there would be the same kind of a cafeteria culture in Finland as it is down there in our home country. After all there's nothing more relaxing than drinking your morning or afternoon coffee with no rush at all while meeting your friends and family and it doesn't even cost your whole salary! The same thing is with hair dressers, girls there had their hair done maybe once a week, some do their hair every morning- it's cheap, you meet the same people at the saloon and look good- it's also a good way of starting your day! They are even allowed to order coffee from cafes near the saloon and the bartenders bring their orders there. That's just perfect! :D
Our trip back to Finland didn't go that well... :D We had checked our train schedules beforehand... and by saying beforehand I mean many months before. First of all, we miss-read the schedule and thought the train was leaving at 9.00 Pm, but after double checking at a taxi, we realized it left at 8.30 and we were already few minutes late. We decided to rely on the fact that taxis there are true speeders so we suggested that the driver takes us to the next station to Podgulove (maybe 30km's..). We thought we could never miss it. Well that driver was even slower than a turtle and he just rolled between the hills. The driver shout that we should look left and right and search for the train. We couldn't see it so we thought that we had made it. Soon we realized that if we pay that taxi guy we won't have enough money for the train tickets back to Budapest. Well E and the driver drove away to search for an ATM and Eve and I decided to stay and watch our luggage. When they finally came back, the station guy asked us where we were going. We told him that we were waiting for the train to Budapest to arrive any time now. He looked at us with the asking face and asked if we meant the one that was coming from Budapest to Sarajevo. That's when he said that there has never even been a train that travels form Sarajevo to Budapest at evening, only in the mornings. Well we realized that we couldn't just stay in Sarajevo, but that we should try to get up north and the only way to do that was to jump to the train that would take us to Zagreb again. We were totally panicking because it was already 9 pm and our flight was leaving the next afternoon from Budapest. We tried to call our parents but non of our phones could work! Only Evelina's finish phone had a little battery left and it saved us! We told them in panic to search for cheap flights from Zagreb, Munich, Ljubljana, trains from Z to B... etc, but non of them suited us. At least we had some stray dogs chilling there with us. I think that we were more lost than they.
The trip back to Zagreb was really stressful. H and Eve were in a total panic and E was just laughing. Soon our dad called to tell us that one of our friends was going to meet us at the Z station and his brother was going to drive us to B! :D We were just so relieved that Eve and H started crying. Finally we were able to relax and get some good night sleep. Though, none of us really slept well, because the tickets were checked every hour and it was so cold that even two sweaters weren't enough to keep us warm. When we arrived to Z the train was one hour late. The guy, who was there to meet us, took us to their parents house where they had made us a really good breakfast! :D It was just a heaven on earth that moment. The trip to B took us around 3 to 4 hours, and even though our flight wasn't until after two hours, we almost missed our check in. We were so tired that we slept the whole flight back to Tampere. We were totally shocked when we landed, it was grey, raining and it was fu*cking cold! We were three tanned girls in summer clothes... lucky for us our dad was there and we could finally start our trip back to Mikkeli... We were so tired and hungry... and the next day was a moving day for all of us... Imagine that... Unpack and pack ALL!
Great holiday it was :D
You are so pretty! And amazing photos I love it! <3
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