last time I really got surprised was when I came home from the final exam of
the course biopharmaceutical medicines. I witnessed randomly an argue between
an older couple and 20 years old girls who were dressed up like emos. This case
was a bit unique... girls had peed and spit down on people from the balcony.
Ehmm who the hell does that? And who the hell loves their own feces so much
that they have a need to press that Share button among all that blustering?
They just must be the best neighbors ever... I have to mention this feeling I
have been able to enjoy of after my noisy neighbors got evicted. I have been
able to sleep and just be without either hearing or smelling them. I have not
felt like this since we moved in. You must know the feeling you get after
something that has been long-termed and really disturbing just vanishes from
your daily (and it really was 24/7) life and you can forget about the stress in
your own home? I must admit that it really made me smile and jump like Charlie
Chaplin when I noticed that gang carrying black waste bags down the stairs! I
believe they noticed my thrilled smile too ;D. Good bye to the 24/7 smell of
the cigarettes, spatters of beer in the corridor, noisy arguments and clatter
through the day and night! I feel sorry for their current neighbors though...
Yllätyin viimeksi marssiessani biolääkevalmisteiden tenttstä kotiin. Osuin sattumalta nuorten mustiin pukeutuneiden n. parikymppisten tyttöjen ja vanhemman pariskunnan välikohtauksen todistajaksi. Tämä tapaus oli siitä erikoinen, että tytöt olivat virtsanneet ja sylkeneet ohikulkijoiden päälle tahallisesti. Hei HALOO? Kuka rakastaa omia eritteitään niin paljon, että niidenkin kohdalla on pakko painaa Jaa- nappia kikattelun ja uhoamisen lomassa? Pahisnaapureista sen verran, että on ollut ihanaa, kun on voinut nukkua rauhassa muutaman naapurin häädön jälkeen. Se vireystila ja onni, mikä siitä seurasi oli sanoinkuvaamaton! Tiedättehän sen fiiliksen, kun iso pitkäaikainen ja häiritsevä asia poistuu päiväjärjestyksestä (tässä kohtaa 24/7 järjestyksestä) eikä kotona oleminen tuota jatkuvaa stressiä? Paras yllätys puoleen vuoteen oli nähdä se hulttiopoppoo kantamassa jätesäkkikasoja portaita alas. En usko että riemuni jäi heiltäkään piiloon ja kotona tein kunniaa Charlie Chaplinille loikillani ;D. Good bye ainiainen kolina, tupakan lemu ja viinaroiskeet rappiksessa, poliisikeissit ja jatkuvat riitelyt aikaan mihin tahansa! Säälin kyllä nykyisiä naapureita...
My everyday life lately on Instagram / Istagramissa nähtyä arkea viime viikoilta
...but I can only wonder where all the nice manners have gone? Why so few of us thank other people, say hello to the neighbor, open doors to the girlfriend or ask if somebody you don't know needs help? Is it so hard to smile back? It shouldn't be too much to do. However we are still living in a society where everyone of us social creatures could help someone or has at least a chance to say "Thank you". We need more of that southern helpful attitude and atmosphere where people do good things without a hidden motive. There's nothing more beautiful to see in a person that their charisma and beautiful character. I appreciate those good manners so much because it's the best way to make others happier and their life easier.
- Herminica
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