Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

and then to weheartit:

This is all I want to wish you :) My family is not going to celebrate Christmas, but tomorrow we are going to do that with our cousins. It´s going to be about me, my sisters Elvira and Sabina and cousins Elma, Elvis and Elvisa. Today I´m going to watch plenty of movies, drink hot glögi (Skandinavian mulled wine), eat ginger breads and watch all those wonderful movies and Disney cartoons I want. :) You can see the third photo above, that´s how it looked like here when I woke up, there is so much snow now<3


  1. merry christmas!! :D
    you have a very lovely blog!

  2. mooi:) eksyin sun blogiin ekaa kertaa ja pakko alkaa kyl seuraa, ku vaikutti nii kivalta! en vaa tajuu et mist sä voit olla niiin tutun näköne?:D ihan varmana oon nähny sut jossai aikasemminki!;o

  3. Hmmm :D jaa'a! Ehkä oot joskus jossain maagisesti kävelly vastaan tai jotaki! :D en kyllä tiiä! :D
