This was only H's luggage! Can you imagine her dragging these 30 kg heavy luggage all around Balkan! Or getting them up on a train? Luckily we always found some men to curry our bags around :D. |
Clouds... and an exploded atom boom? |
Pretty excited....
Finally in Budapest! At this point we were already starving and couldn't think about anything else but food. Unfortunately it took us multiple hours to find a good restaurant (where a hamburger costs 2000HUFs)! |
When we arrived to Budapest we didn't really have anything planned out. We just knew that we had to spend almost 12 hours there during the night. Booking a hotel sounded like a waste of money and time, so we just found ourselves a map and started heading towards the Donube. |
Finally we found this cute little restaurant that was full of local people. That's when we knew it had to be a good place, and it really was! The food was amazing! Or maybe we were just so hungry that anything would have tasted good really :D. |
After walking almost for 4 hours we arrived to our destination: Donube. At this point our legs were crying for rest, but we still had to walk back to Keleti. We had to stop to sit on a bench every 500 meters, that's how much it hurt. |
Our train ticket to Zagreb! Our departure time was at 7 AM. It was so good to just fall asleep in the train after all that walking and shivering outside in the cold without proper clothing. Even the fact that sun was rising and it was really bright outside didn't disturb our good night sleep. |
Our trip began on July (
see the plan from here). Everything was packed in many bags, we had brand new passports and too many butterflies in our stomach! H spent almost a week in Jämsä because she was at Pipefest with her friends and E came to Tampere with our friends J and T (who were also going to interrail separately from us). We were really happy about getting on a plain and knowing that this trip was going to be the best one ever! (Ok H was also little sad when she had so say bye bye :( )
Budapest... that cold, big and pretty ok- city...it was really beautiful to walk those 10km's, sleep at the railway station for one hour and be awake for the rest of the night. We enjoyed watching the cockroaches in there, girls wearing so short skirts that we literally saw their bumblebees... The best part was when we came back to Keleti station from this cute little urban restaurant... It was closed and all our luggage was inside... so were our jackets... :) Two hours on a bench, shivering with local bums made it- we were totally fed up with Budapest and wanted to get the hell out from there! Thank God T and J were with us still... I think we wouldn´t have been safe without them. No more sleeping on benches guys!
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