Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pictures of happiness

I decided to get a membership to the Fressi (Gym) again. I really just can´t stand the crowded gym at our school, it´s just too small and you don´t have the Les Mills workouts in there. I really love them. I´m about to go to the Bodypump soon, my back really hurts from all this studying. I´m having an exam tomorrow (AGAIN!) and it´s really pissing me off... :D I would really like a little break from it... but no, we don´t even have the autumn holiday like the most of the Unis do and the some of the staff in our Uni does have!! :(

Moments, every one of them is important. Some of them are saved as good and some as bad memories. I´m not an exception- I´d rather have just the good ones. But if I´d have just them would I even recognise them to be good? Life is full with choices and decisions, some of them can feel to be the right ones at the time. The main thing is to have one guide line... and it´s to make decisions that make us happy. There is always at least one way of doing the righ choice- but what if that right for you wouldn´t be the right towards the other people? I just know that there really is always a way to climpb up the hill, even if you can´t see the one.

Moments are something you must cherish. When someone important to you is going through the rough times, gets ill or dies, those moments are the ones that can only make you feel better. Never regret the choices you´ve made in the past, because without them you´d never understand the things you understand now. Those "mistakes" are not mistakes, they are just a life, and the most important thing that life does is that it teaches you how to live and most importantly- it helps you to understand who you are, what is good and what is bad for you- sometimes through the hard way.


  1. if it helps i won't have autumn holiday either :(
    i love your blog, you're inspiring!

    1. Well then it makes two of us poor ones! :) Thank you Juliana! :)

  2. Ihana blogi, jään seurailemaan:)

    1. Meikä seurailee sua jo tässä reilun puol vuotta;)
