Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I decided to stretch and eat at the same time... well I guess that my Insta wanted to be the third wheel... :D

Chilling at the sofa with my childhood friend... this guy has gone through everything I have! Love my bunny! He likes to travel me even now... :D 

A morning cardio!

I´m in a much better mood now than I was yesterday. I'm not that tired and I even got some good time for myself at the gym. My neighbor just couldn't ruin this morning by deciding to drill something in the corridor at 8 am. Then my other neighbor started a fight with him because it´s not actually legal to drill in the corridor... :D I was just dead tired from yesterday so I didn't mind. I fell asleep the very second I woke up. Lucky me that I still have at least one dear neighbor Minna... too bad that she´s going to move away soon :(. I will miss her so much!

I think that I´m going to the gym tomorrow too. I really had to force myself there today and that´s not fun. I know that the hunger grows by eating even in this matter so I just have to continue! My back was so sore from all studying that I really don´t want to ignore the messages my body keeps sending to me- if it hurts you just have to move and the pain will be gone! Tonight I´m going to do some yoga exercises for my back before I go to sleep! :) Good night!

Workouts from last 7 days:
Tue: Leg-butt day + 30min cardio
Wed: Upper body- arms + core
Thu: Legs-butt + 30min cardio
Fri: Core day
Tue: Leg-butt day + 3+min cardio


  1. Olet niin UPEA! Löysin just tän blogin eilen ja selasin kokonaan läpi! Oot ihana! hehe c:

    1. Hohooo O.O (oon kattonu liikaa eläinvideoita niin nää ilmeet on sen mukasia)... Kiitoksia ! :D

  2. Ootko enää Artun kaveri? Ku siitä ei oo kuulunut mitään. Muistan teijän söpöilyt parin vuoden takaa..ootte niin söppäniä, Okayy oon liian heikko söpöille asioille xD tätä tarkotin

    http://lolimte.blogspot.fi/2010/06/some-of-graduation-presents.html#comment-form se vika :333 toivon että mullaki olis tollanen oma Arttu<3

    1. Oon oon! :D Justiin viikonloppuna näin sitä viimeks :)! Ollaan nyt asuttu hmm viimeset melkee 3 vuotta eri kaupungeissa niin ei olla kyllä voitu nähdä yhtä paljoa ku ennen :) haha :D
