Thursday, January 5, 2012

Preparations for RUK course celebration + Pictures from my Prom 2009

Yep, here I am, quite excited about that occation. Can´t wait anymore... It´s the second important occation in Finland right after the celebration of the Independence day in presidential palace. I will put my sister Elvira's prom dress because I don´t want to use my own again :). You´ll see the pictures of me in her dress after this weekend :) I´m so excited of being Teemu's avec. I´ve already took out everything that I need and put it on my carpet, all I have to do now is to take a shower tomorrow, do my hair and go to Hamina at 02.35am on Friday night. I will have to be in a bus more than 20 hours this weekend and make sure that my hair and make up will be ok the whole weekend. That´s what I´m stressing the most right now. I also have to go and take some cash and make sure that I´ve got everything with me. + I have to take something to eat in the bus + something to read if I can´t sleep. I think I´ll just curl my hair and maybe do something with it... I´m really not sure yet because it´s easier to retouch it if I´ve got only the curls... + I´m sure my hair will be a mess after the trip.

Now I´ll show yousome of the pictures from my Prom. I wont post too many because it was year 2009 and it´s 2012 now :D But girls, my youngest sister Sabina is having her own prom this year! :)

I think that I have nothing more to add... :D


  1. Harvoin kommentoin blogeja, mutta nyt on aivan pakko. Kyyläsin sua muinoin irc-galleriassa, joten voitko kuvitella mun fiilistä kun törmäsin aivan sattumalta sun blogiin! Asadlkdflkj! Tää on ihan mahtavaa, ja jotenkin nostalgista vaikken edes tunne sua mitenkään henkilökohtaisesti :-D sulla on aivan upeat kasvot ja vaikutat niiiiiin sympaattiselta ihmiseltä muutenkin! Jään takuulla seuraamaan myös sun blogia.

  2. haha sait miut nyt kyllä punastelee ja hymähtelee, vaikee hymähellä ku on puolet naamasta puudutettuna ja kipee mut mikäs siinä :D kiitoksia paljon, tykkään kun joku uskaltaa miulle jotaki tänne kirjotellakkin :)!
