Saturday, July 2, 2016

EUROTRIP 2015 Part 3/8: Amazing Hvar, chapter 1

Hvar, an island I have been dreaming about since I was just a little girl. Last summer we decided to spend 6 days at Hvar at an apartment that is run by local elderly couple. As usual we booked our tickets to Jadrolinija (a local ferry company, online booking is also possible) a day before to ensure we have seats during the trip. Our arrival was quite amusing. We had really heavy luggage and approximately 300 stairs to climb up to the apartment. It served as our workout for the day. That's how sweaty we were. It was time to head to the grocery store and later to the beach after throwing our luggage to our room.

Hvar is among the first areas that have been inhabited in Europe. That is a reason why it has much to offer for history junkies. It is definitely not a place that is there only to serve tourists- it is there to be home for all hvarians. Hvar Town has two big 13th-century fortresses, many cafes, shops, restaurants, beaches and art galleries. It someone is more keen on shopping holidays, then guys, Hvar is not for you. Hvar island also features beaches, lavender fields, boat excursions to for example Pakleni islands, hiking and biking trails and towns, such as Jelsa, Sucuraj and Old Town of Hvar. As an island, Hvar as all other, has usually more stable climate than the cost line but it can be a bit windy. The best way of moving along the cities themselves is walking but if you are interested in discovering the island itself you can also take a bus, rent a car or a bike or just hike. An another perfect place for stress relieve.

Hvar Town was more than beautiful with its mesmerizing views, talkative people and music we gathered to listen and sing with locals. It was nice to share stories, talk about tourists, our current lives and life before war, to play imaginary games about what if the war did not happen? One thing I enjoy the most is the way you just click with people, they are like you have always known each other.

We did not only stay in Hvar Town and the southern part of the Hvar island. Trips via cost line and to Old Town were a must and oh boy they were a good idea! More about walking trip along the cost line and a trip to Old Town Hvar will be seen in chaptert 2 and 3!

 - Herminica

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